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The Biography of Tracy Flaucher

July 18, 2009

My picture.

About Me

I was born in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I have one brother that lives in Texas. I have two kids with one of them being married
and I have one grandchild. Both of my sons are in the Marines. I have seven neices and two nephews.
My goals in life are to finish my degree and get a good job in the IT field. Then I want to live happily ever after.
My personal beliefs are that everybody needs to earn their own way in life, and that everybody deserves a second chance.
Always treat others as if that is the last time you will see them. Be kind.
I am taking two other classes besides Web Design. They are Networking Basics and Database Management.
I don't have any unique talents or any hobbies. I mainly work, go to school, and play with my two dogs and mt two cats in my spare time.

Go to my homepage. This page has silly pictures of animals. Check out the links and there are pictures of my grandaughter.

Here are some pictures of my pets.

Lexi Tia and Easton Bucket of Yuck

Lexi Tia and Easton Bucket of Yuck

Here are pictures of my kids.

Justin in Palm Springs. Russell listening to music

Justin Russell

Some of my favorite things.